Informative Dental Blogs

Why You Should Do Everything to Avoid Periodontal Disease

Learn the risks gum disease can have on your smile & health with Dr. Josh Conway of Spokane Valley Dentistry. Questions? Reach out at 509) 253-1241!

How Dental Implants Can Discourage Bone Deterioration

Learn how dental implants can prevent bone loss with Dr. Josh Conway at Spokane Valley Dentistry. Questions about implants? Call us at (509) 253-1241!

Why You Shouldn't be Overly Concerned About Having Root Canal Therapy

Dr. Conway discusses common root canal myths and why you shouldn't be worried getting root canals in Spokane, WA

Revolutionizing Material Analysis with 3D CT Scanning Technology

In the world of modern dentistry, technological advancements have transformed the way we diagnose and treat oral health issues. One such innovation that has taken the dental field by storm is 3D CT scanning. At Spokane Valley Dentistry, Dr. Josh Conway and Dr. Tyler Hesselgesser are at the forefront of this cutting-edge technology, providing patients with a more precise and comprehensive approach to dental care.

A Comprehensive Guide to Children's Dentistry

Children's dentistry, also known as pediatric dentistry, is a specialized branch of dental care that focuses on the oral health of children from infancy through their teenage years. It is essential to begin dental care at an early age to prevent dental problems and instill good oral hygiene habits that last a lifetime.

Why Are My Teeth Stained?

To many people a morning coffee or afternoon glass of wine is a ritual that cannot be disturbed or broken, but as there are many joys that come with those drinks there are still many enamel straining prices.

Treating Sleep Apnea with Oral Appliances

When you think about services your dentist can provide, you’ll typically think of cleanings, extractions and implants. But did you know your dentist also may be able to help you with sleep apnea? “Dental sleep medicine” is a rapidly evolving field.

Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

One of the hottest topics in dentistry today is the use of dental implants. Implants have certainly revolutionized the field of replacement teeth. If you are considering tooth implants for missing teeth, you need to know the facts.

Insights on Clear Aligners

Braces can feel like a bit of a contradiction. You want a clean, straight smile, but you first have to wear a highly visible device on your teeth for months on end.

How to Manage Being Scared and Stressed at the Dentist

If you get anxious about going to the dentist, you’re not alone. Not by a long shot. Some studies show nearly three-fourths of American adults experience anxiety or outright fear when they even think about visiting the dentist.

Dental Crowns: Pros and Cons

Dental crowns are an effective and versatile treatment option used to address a variety of dental issues. They are used to cap a tooth with a large filling or that has had root canal therapy, or for cosmetic purposes.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

Dental implants have become many dentists’ go-to procedure for replacing missing teeth. Dental implant surgery replaces tooth roots with metal, screw like posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones.

Spokane valley dentist